The company FASEK doo specializes in providing innovative solutions in the coating industry, especially through its offer of heat-shrink insulation. These coatings, among which epoxy novolac and polyurethane coatings stand out, provide excellent thermal protection and are ideal for protecting industrial surfaces exposed to high temperatures. Due to their properties, these coatings are used in the most demanding conditions, including the process industry and the oil and gas industry, where high resistance to abrasion and chemicals is required. FASEK's offer of heat-shrinkable coatings promises to increase the longevity of the equipment, reduce the need for frequent maintenance, and maximize efficiency in protection against corrosion and mechanical damage.

Heat - Shrinkable insulation
Inspekcija cjevovoda igra ključnu ulogu u održavanju pouzdanosti i sigurnosti vašeg sustava prijenosa tekućina ili plinova. Bez obzira radi li se o naftnim cjevovodima, vodoopskrbnim sustavima, industrijskim transportnim cijevima ili bilo kojim drugim vrstama cjevovoda, pravilna inspekcija je neophodna kako bi se identificirali potencijalni problemi i osigurala neprekidna isporuka resursa.

The company FASEK doo specializes in providing innovative solutions in the coating industry, especially through its offer of heat-shrink insulation. These coatings, among which epoxy novolac and polyurethane coatings stand out, provide excellent thermal protection and are ideal for protecting industrial surfaces exposed to high temperatures. Due to their properties, these coatings are used in the most demanding conditions, including the process industry and the oil and gas industry, where high resistance to abrasion and chemicals is required. FASEK's offer of heat-shrinkable coatings promises to increase the longevity of the equipment, reduce the need for frequent maintenance, and maximize efficiency in protection against corrosion and mechanical damage.

Heat - Shrinkable insulation
Pipeline inspection plays a key role in maintaining the reliability and safety of your liquid or gas transmission system. Whether it's oil pipelines, water supply systems, industrial transport pipes or any other type of pipeline, proper inspection is essential to identify potential problems and ensure uninterrupted supply of resources.